Pengertian dan Contoh Narrative Text
Pengertian dan Contoh Narrative Text – Narrative Text adalah teks yang bertujuan hanya untuk menghibur para pembacanya saja. Narrative text ini menceritakan sesuatu yang imajinatif atau sesuatu yang hanya khayalan belaka.
Generic Structure dalam Narrative Text:
- Orientation – Berisi tentang pengenalan tokoh, tempat, dan waktu terjadinya cerita.
- Complication – Berisi tentang puncak atau konflik/ masalah dalam cerita. Dalam cerita boleh memiliki complication lebih dari satu.
- Resolution – Berisi tentang pemecahan masalah. Pada bagian ini memiliki dua kecenderungan, yaitu berakhirnya cerita dengan bahagia (happy ending) atau bisa juga berakhirnya cerita dengan kesedihan (sad ending), tetapi ada juga akhir cerita dari Narrative Text yang membiarkan pembacanya menebak sendiri akhir cerita tersebut.
Ciri-ciri Narrative Text:
- Menggunakan pola kalimat Simple Past Tense
- Biasanya dimulai dengan kata keterangan waktu (Adverbs of time). Misal: Long time ago… , Once upon a time…, ect.
Contoh Narrative Text:
The Vain Little Mouse
Little mouse lived in a beautiful house. One day, when she was sweeping the floor, she found the coin.
She said, “With this coin, I’m going to buy a nice red bow for my hair. I’ll look beautiful”.
She was really beautiful with the red bow in her hair. She sat next to the window so that everybody could see her.
“Little mouse, you do look pretty”. Said the donkey, “Will you marry me?”
And she asked, “What will you do at night?”
“I will bray like this”, said the donkey. And he brayed.
“Oh no!! I’ll get frightened”, said the mouse.
Then the dog asked her. “Little mouse, you do look beautiful. Why don’t you marry me?”
“What will you do at night?” Asked the mouse.
“I will bark like this”, said the dog and he barked.
“Oh no! I’ll get frightened”, said the mouse.
Finally the cat asked her, “Beautiful little mouse, will you marry me?”
“And what will you do at night?” Asked the mouse.
“I’ll sing like this”, said the cat. And he sang a beautiful song.
“Yes, I will marry you”, said the mouse.
So they get married, but on their wedding night, guess what!! The cat did not sing his beautiful song. He ate the vain little mouse.
Sekian artikel mengenai Pengertian dan Contoh Narrative Text, semoga bermanfaat ya 🙂