Pengertian dan Contoh Elliptical Construction

Pengertian dan Contoh Elliptical Construction

Pengertian dan Contoh Elliptical Construction

Pengertian dan Contoh Elliptical Construction – Elliptical Construction adalah susunan kalimat yang digunakan untuk menghindari pengulangan kata yang tidak dibutuhkan (tidak penting) dalam suatu kalimat.

Dalam pengerjaan / penggunaan kalimat Elliptical Construction, perlu diperhatikan tentang kata kerja bantu / auxiliary verb :

Modal Auxiliary

Primary Auxiliary

  • Shall / Should
  • Will / Would
  • Can / Could
  • May / Might
  • Must
  • is / am / are
  • has / have / had + V3
  • do / does / did

Pola Penggabungan dan Contoh Kalimat Elliptical Construction

1. Positive Elliptical Construction

…and so + aux + S

…and S + aux + too

Contoh Kalimat Positive Elliptical Construction :

  • She is a student. Her sister is a student.

-> She is a student and so is her sister.

-> She is a student and her sister is too.

  • He likes playing football. I likes playing football.

-> He likes playing football and so do I.

-> He likes playing football and I do too.

  • They can play guitar. The girl can play guitar.

-> They can play guitar and so can the girl.

-> They can play guitar and the girl can too.


 2. Negative Elliptical Construction

…and neither + aux + S

BACA JUGA :   Kumpulan RPP Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 9 ,10, 11

…and S + aux + not either

Contoh Kalimat Negative Elliptical Construction :

  • She is not a Doctor. I am not a Doctor.

-> She is not a Doctor and neither am I.

-> She is not a Doctor and I am not either.

  • He doesn’t know me. The girl doesn’t know me.

-> He doesn’t know me and neither does me.

-> He doesn’t know me and the girl doesn’t either.

  • They never comes here. He never comes here.

-> They never comes here and neither does he.

-> They never comes here and he doesn’t either.


Ada beberapa adverbs of frequency yang dianggap negatif seperti:

  • never
  • seldom
  • rarely
  • few
  • hardly
  • barely
  • scarely
  • litlle, dll.


3. Contrary Elliptical Construction

S 1 + V I + but / while + S 2 + do / does + not

S 1 + V II + but / while + S 2 + did + not

S 1 + Aux (verb) + but / while + S 2 +aux + not

S 1 + aux not (verb) + but / while + S 2 + aux

Contoh Kalimat Contrary Elliptical Construction :

  • Amel is clever. Her sister isn’t clever.

-> Amel is clever but her sister isn’t.

  • He does not have a bag. I have a bag.

-> He does not have a bag but I do.

  • Linda can swimming. Rina can not swimming.

-> Linda can swimming but Rina cannot.

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